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15 - Augmented Reality train station (2013)

We were invited to join a restoration project of the Santa Ana Train Station made by ITESO, we made an iPad app to show in AR, the Train Station on site, as it looked over 100 years ago, using the abandoned building walls, as markers.

Role: Asset Quality Assurance

Credits: AR Implementation by Arturo Jafet Rodríguez and Diana de Alba, 3D modeling by Diana de Alba, Agustín Juárez and Anaïs Ramírez, Original Idea by Agustín de la Garza

14 - Augmented Reality Demo  (2013)

This was our first Augmented Reality demo, and our first official project from the UP Media Lab. We made this to show the AR possibilities for education. The goal was to show the Chichen Itza Pyramid in an iPad app, along with multitouch interaction and videos.

Role: Pyramid Modeling and texturing

Credits: AR Implementation by Arturo Jafet Rodríguez and Diana de Alba



13 - Quaternion rotations example (2012)

This script, allows the students to see the advantage of using quaternions to obtain stable rotations. The entire script is explained in the tutorial

Role: All aspects

Software: 3ds Max educational

Language: MaxScript


12 - Math function visualizer (2012)

This script, allows the students to see the different paths that can be produced with overlapped sine and cosine functions.

Role: All aspects

Software: 3ds Max educational

Language: MaxScript

11 - Procedural Modeling (2012)

This plugin for 3ds Max, creates a procedural chocolate kiss shaped geometry. This is an example for my scripting lessons and it is based on Bézier surfaces. The entire script is explained in the tutorial

Role: All aspects

Software: 3ds Max educational

Language: MaxScript


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