Senior Research Scientist
Huawei Technologies
Ph.D. in Computer Science
The University of British Columbia

2016 - 2022
Ph.D. student in Computer Science, University of British Columbia. Advisor: Professor Alla Sheffer
2010 - 2013
Master of Science in Computer Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM). Advisor: Professor Luis E. Falcon-Morales
2001 - 2002
2000 - 2001
1999 - 2003
Paleontological Sciences Diploma, Museo de PaleontologÃa de Guadalajara, Federico A. Solórzano Barreto.
Innovation Management Diploma, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO).
Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara.
1995 - 1999
Technical Diploma in Computer Science and Management, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG).

Professional Experience
2021 - present
Senior Research Scientist at Huawei Technologies, Canada
2016 - 2022
University of British Columbia: Ph.D. Student, Research Assistant, and Sessional Lecturer
2014 - 2015
Guadalajara ACM Professional Chapter: President
2013 - 2016
Universidad Panamericana: Co-founder and Researcher at UP Media Lab
2011 - 2016
Universidad Panamericana: Director of the Digital Animation Engineering Program
2011 - 2021
Universidad Panamericana: Research Assistant Professor
2010 - 2011
Universidad Panamericana: Head of Computing Department
2007 - 2010
Universidad Panamericana: Seasonal lecturer for Geometry and Innovation Methods
2006 - 2007
Massive Render: Founder, Render Optimization Expert and Render Farm Management
2003 - 2013
NEOX: Founder, head of Product Engineering and Design
2000 - 2003
VOLOS: Product Designer

E. Rosales∗, F. Teimury∗, J. Horacsek, A. Salari, X. Qin, A. Bar-Lev, X. Zhe, L. Liu, Fast-MSX: Fast Multiple Scattering Approximation , *join first authors (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2023).
C. Araújo, N. Vining, S. Burla, M. Ruivo de Oliveira, E. Rosales, A. Sheffer, Slippage-Preserving Reshaping of Human-Made 3D Content, ACM Transactions on Graphics , (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2023)
C. Araújo, N. Vining, E. Rosales, G. Gori, A. Sheffer, As-Locally-Uniform-As-Possible Reshaping of Vector Clip-Ar, ACM Transactions on Graphics , (Proc SIGGRAPH 2022)
E. Rosales, C. Araujo, J.Rodriguez, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A. Sheffer, AdaptiBrush: Adaptive General and Predictable VR Ribbon Brush, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
J. Yang, C. Araujo, N. Vining, Z. Ferguson, E. Rosales, D. Panozzo, S. Lefevbre, P. Cignoni, A. Sheffer, DHFSlicer: Double Height-Field Slicing for Milling Fixed- Height Materials, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia) 2020
Y. Yao, N. Schetler, E. Rosales, H. Rhodin, L. Sigal, A. Sheffer, Front2Back: Single View 3D Shape Reconstruction via Front to Back Prediction , CVPR 2020
E. Rosales, J. Rodriguez, A. Sheffer SurfaceBrush: From Virtual Reality Drawings to Manifold Surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH) 2019
C. Liu, E. Rosales, A. Sheffer, StrokeAggregator: Consolidating Raw Sketches into Artist-Intended Curve Drawings , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH) 2018
G. Gori, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, E. Rosales, N. Carr, T. Ju, FlowRep: Descriptive Curve Networks for Free-Form Design Shapes , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH) 2017
E. Rosales and Luis E. Falcon-Morales, A New Triangle Theorem to Solve the Inverse Kinematics Problem for Characters with Highly Articulated Limbs, International Conference on Geometry and Graphics 2014
E. Rosales, J.Rodriguez, C. Araujo, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A. Sheffer, StripBrush: A Constraint-Relaxed 3D Brush Reduces Physical Effort and Enhances the Quality of Spatial Drawing, Technical Report
Ph.D. Thesis
M.Sc. Thesis
"Ribbon drawing in VR: brushes and applications", 2022
"A New Inverse Kinematics Method for Characters with Highly Articulated Limbs", 2013. (Outstanding Thesis Award)

Intellectual Property
"Automated methods for consolidating raw sketches into artist-intended curve drawings" US20200005502A1
Alla Sheffer, Chenxi Liu, Enrique Rosales

University of
British Columbia
Computer Graphics (Sessional Lecturer), Introduction to Computational Thinking (summer course).
La Salle
Geometry, 3D Modeling, Innovation Methods, Design Thinking, Scripting, Computer Graphics, Parametric Design and Particle Effects
Computer Animation

M.Sc. Thesis
Key Feature Delivery Incentive Award
Future Star Award
2023 Individual Outstanding Award
President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award
Outstanding Thesis Award 2013 at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
2010 - present
2010 - present