Senior Research Scientist
Huawei Technologies
Ph.D. in Computer Science
The University of British Columbia

E. Rosales∗, F. Teimury∗, J. Horacsek, A. Salari, X. Qin, A. Bar-Lev, X. Zhe, L. Liu, Fast-MSX: Fast Multiple Scattering Approximation , *join first authors (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2023). ACM Link

C. Araújo, N. Vining, S. Burla, M. Ruivo de Oliveira, E. Rosales, A. Sheffer, Slippage-Preserving Reshaping of Human-Made 3D Content, ACM Transactions on Graphics , (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2023)

C. Araújo, N. Vining, E. Rosales, G. Gori, A. Sheffer, As-Locally-Uniform-As-Possible Reshaping of Vector Clip-Ar, ACM Transactions on Graphics , (Proc SIGGRAPH 2022)

E. Rosales, C. Araújo, J.Rodriguez, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A. Sheffer, AdaptiBrush: Adaptive General and Predictable VR Ribbon Brush, ACM Transactions on Graphics , (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)

E. Rosales, J.Rodriguez, C. Araujo, N. Vining, D. Yoon, A. Sheffer, StripBrush: A Constraint-Relaxed 3D Brush Reduces Physical Effort and Enhances the Quality of Spatial Drawing , Technical report. 2021

J. Yang, C. Araújo, N. Vining, Z. Ferguson, E. Rosales, D. Panozzo, S. Lefevbre, P. Cignoni, A. Sheffer, DHFSlicer: Double Height-Field Slicing for Milling Fixed- Height Materials , (Proc SIGGRAPH Asia 2020)

Y. Yao, N. Schetler, E. Rosales, H. Rhodin, L. Sigal, A. Sheffer, Front2Back: Single View 3D Shape Reconstruction via Front to Back Prediction , (CVPR 2020)

E. Rosales, J. Rodriguez, A. Sheffer SurfaceBrush: From Virtual Reality Drawings to Manifold Surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH 2019)

C. Liu, E. Rosales, A. Sheffer, StrokeAggregator: Consolidating Raw Sketches into Artist-Intended Curve Drawings , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH 2018)

G. Gori, A. Sheffer, N. Vining, E. Rosales, N. Carr, T. Ju, FlowRep: Descriptive Curve Networks for Free-Form Design Shapes , ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc SIGGRAPH 2017)

E. Rosales and Luis E. Falcon-Morales, A New Triangle Theorem to Solve the Inverse Kinematics Problem for Characters with Highly Articulated Limbs, International Conference on Geometry and Graphics 2014
Other Selected projects

VR therapy exploration for kids with autism, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales, Jafet Rodriguez, Diana de Alba

Soft Body Simulator Plugin for 3dsMax, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales

Augmented Reality T-Shirt demo, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales and Jafet Rodriguez

Self-driving vehicle cabin concept for Continental, Developed at UP Media Lab, (later became the BEE concept), Enrique Rosales and Jafet Rodriguez Continental BEE

Augmented Reality Fossils, Developed at UP Media Lab for the Paleontology Museum
Enrique Rosales, Jafet Rodriguez, Cristian Camarena Video Link

Procedural Bookcase Generator plugin for 3dsMax, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales, Ana Paulina Cassale and Enrique Martin del Campo

Archnimation: Procedural Animation Generator plugin for 3dsMax, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales

NASA Mars Module Deviation System Concept, Submitted to NASA Innocentive challenge
Jaime Munoz and Enrique Rosales

Virtual Roller Coaster for Oculus SDK, Developed at UP Media Lab
Jafet Rodriguez and Enrique Rosales

Civil Engineering Augmented Reality game, Developed at UP Media Lab
Jafet Rodriguez, Enrique Rosales, Cristian Camarena

Fly Vinci: Interactive video game for Kinect, Developed at UP Media Lab
Jafet Rodriguez, Diana de Alba, Cristian Camarena, Enrique Rosales

Augmented Reality T-shirt demo, Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales and Jafet Rodriguez

Animated spot for Engineering department , Developed at UP Media Lab
Enrique Rosales, Sergio Palomino, Guillermo Aceves, Diana de Alba, Jesus Gomez, music by CVL productions

Procedural Jumping Animation plugin for 3dsMax
Enrique Rosales

San Francisco Railway 3D model, Developed to support the 3D modeling courses at UP
Enrique Rosales

Electric Meter Case for Arteche, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales, Josue Reynoso, Claudio Gonzalez, Anya Valdepena, Eduardo Elias Lopez

Laser Presenter for Perfect Choice, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales, Josue Reynoso, Claudio Gonzalez, Anya Valdepena, Eduardo Elias Lopez

Automated Tortilla Making Machine, Developed at NEOX
Josue Reynoso and Enrique Rosales

Ingenia: a small popular science magazine for Universidad Panamericana
Enrique Rosales (founder and editor)

Optical Navigation System: winning concept in an Innocentive challenge about robotics
Josue Reynoso, Enrique Rosales

Folding Bike, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales

Low Cost Computer for developing Countries, Developed at NEOX for Axtel
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Animated ride for FXSimulator, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Foldable Construction Signage, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Rubber Devulcanizer, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

NEOX Design Manager, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Welding Machine, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Wheel chair for kids with Hyperkyphosis, Braun Prize finalist
Paulina White and Enrique Rosales

Coupling Mechanism, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Automatic Stapler for Hewlett Packard, Developed at NEOX
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Payment System for Public Transportation, Developed at NEOX for Bansi
Enrique Rosales and Manuel Vargas

Animated Instruction Manual for Hewlett Packard, First animated instruction manual ever created
It was distributed with the product to 124 countries Video link
Developed at Volos
Enrique Rosales and Jaime Cadena